By Katie Andersen
This is it, the month we’ve all been waiting for! Known for its amazing migration, May brings waves of birds to our parks and yards. Some will set up territory here to breed during our summer, while others use us as a rest stop before continuing further north. Which birds can we expect and what else is happening in nature this month? Read on to find out more!
Hummingbirds and Orioles return at the beginning of May. A simple nectar solution for them can be made by dissolving 1 part table sugar into 4 parts water. Avoid dyes or other additives, and keep the nectar fresh, changing it every couple days in warmer weather.
Sub-adult Purple Martins return to establish new colonies early in the month.
Warbler migration peaks in early May. Nearly 30 species will migrate through our area!
Warblers that will breed in our area, including Yellow Warbler, American Redstart, and Common Yellowthroat set up their territories and begin nesting this month.
Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Nighthawks, Thrushes (Wood, Hermit, and Veery), Flycatchers, Scarlet Tanagers, Catbirds, Vireos, House Wrens, Chimney Swifts, and more return!
Eastern Whip-poor-wills return and set up their territories along the eastern end of Presque Isle State Park. Their distinctive calls can be heard after sundown.
This is the peak of bird courtship. Listen for the incredible morning chorus. Consider partaking in a ‘gökotta’- the act of getting up early and having a quiet outdoor breakfast to listen to the dawn chorus.
Nesting materials are being collected by many bird species. Leave gardens “messy” so birds have twigs, spider webs, and plant fibers available for their nests.
Chickadees and Titmice become scarce at feeders as they nest and raise their young.
Spring wildflowers include Painted Trillium, Wood Anemone, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Foamflower, Fairy Bells, Wild Strawberry, Forget-me-nots, Bluebells, Dwarf Ginseng, and more.
Catalpa, Black Locust, Tulip, Cherry, Buckeye, Apple, and Lilac trees are all in bloom.
Spring Peepers and American Toads continue to call. Fowler’s Toads, Leopard Frogs, and Green Frogs begin calling.
Early May butterflies include continuing Mourning Cloaks and Red Admirals, as well as American Painted Ladies, and Spring Azures. Later in May, look for American Coppers, Tiger Swallowtails, Black Swallowtails, and even some early Monarchs.
Luna and Cercropia moths emerge in late May.
Fawns, beaver kits, and skunk litters are born. Opossum young may still be hitching a ride with their moms.
Great Horned Owl chicks fledge.
Peregrine Falcon chicks hatch.
May 2024 Dates Of Note:
May 8: New Moon. May 23: Full Moon
May 11 is World Migratory Bird Day. This year’s theme is “Protect Insects, Protect Birds”.