Erie Bird Observatory

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By Katie Andersen

Daylight is waning, the daily chorus is driven almost completely by insect song, and fall migration is in full swing. September brings changes as the last summer days wane and autumn takes hold. Read on to see what you can expect in this month’s Nature Notes.

Hummingbird Migration generally wraps up by the end of the month, with some late migrants possible into early October. Please do not take down your hummingbird feeders. Their migration is not correlated to feeders being available!

Swainson’s Thrush by Katie Andersen

Northern Flickers, Gray Catbirds, thrushes (Hermit, Wood, Gray-cheeked, Swainson's, and Veery), and up to 17 species of warblers begin migrating through the area.

Shorebird migration continues. This can be a peak time for diversity as juveniles of early migrating species and adults of late migrating species come through this month.

Black-capped Chickadee by Connor Vara

Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatches, Tufted Titmice, woodpeckers, and Blue Jays begin caching food for the winter. Watch them visit feeders for sunflowers and peanuts in the shell, which they'll take and store between pieces of tree bark, in old woodpecker holes, etc.

Winter feeding flocks begin to form up. Small family groups of Chickadees, Titmice, White-breasted Nuthatches, and Downy Woodpeckers typically form the core of these flocks in our area. Migrating birds will often join up with these groups, taking advantage of the flock's knowledge of local food and water sources. Joining a feeding flock can also provide additional protection from predators. If you hear or spot chickadees, take the time to scan the flock for other birds. Migrating Ruby-crowned and Golden-Crowned Kinglets, Winter Wrens, Brown Creepers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Sapsuckers, and various warbler species are likely to mix with these flocks in September and October.

Purple Martin pre-migratory roost at Head of Bay, Presque Isle SP by Katie Andersen

Purple Martins depart by late September. Currently, the pre-migratory roost at the Head of the Bay (after you enter Presque Isle on the right) is active with thousands of birds - large enough to be picked up by radar! Get there about a half hour before sunset to watch them feed and then come in for the evening.

Mixed blackbird flocks consisting of grackles, cowbirds, and red-wingeds form up and can number in the thousands.
American Robins are in large flocks, feeding on crab apples and other fruit.

Baltimore Oriole migration finishes up this month.
Chimney Swift migration peaks. Look for them in the sky above Erie.
Broad-winged Hawk migration peaks mid- to late-month.
The first White-throated Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos may appear by the end of the month.

Monarch Butterfly on Goldenrod by Steve Gosser

Eastern Monarch Butterflies continue their migration south. Check patches of Goldenrod flowers along the beaches at the northeast end of Presque Isle during the mid-morning to early afternoon hours for resting Monarchs that migrated across Lake Erie earlier in the day.

Angle-wing Katydid by Katie Andersen

Katydids continue calling, especially during warm days. Species we can hear locally include the familiar Common True Katydid, as well as Greater Angle-wing Katydid, Short-winged Meadow Katydid, and Black-legged Meadow Katydid. Learn the songs of these and other insects here:

Bucks are busy polishing antlers - look for buck rubs on trees.
Bats are busy feeding as they build fat reserves for migration and hibernation.

House Finch on Hawthorne Berry bush by Katie Andersen

Leaves of sumac, tulip trees, dogwood, and Virginia creeper begin turning.

Jack-in-the-pulpit, hawthorne, highbush cranberry, and spicebush berries are ripe.

Wildflowers in bloom include bottle gentian, obedient-plant, jewelweed, New England asters, turtlehead, goldenrods, nodding ladies'-tresses, and more.

September 2023 Dates of note:

Sept. 15: New Moon,
Sept. 29:
Full Moon
Sept. 23:
Autumnal Equinox – almost equal amounts of day and night.
September 2:
International Vulture Awareness Day.