Erie Bird Observatory

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A final note from Linnea

It's been a great season, and I've enjoyed seeing all the fall warblers up close and personal again. I'm sad to leave, but the migrants are gone, and now it's time for my "semi-annual" migration. I'm heading home for a short while, and have plans for a field job in Jamaica, starting in January. There, I'll be working on a research project on American Redstarts. I'll be doing some winter territory mapping, mist-netting (of the redstarts and some of local birds), as well as other parts of the job.

My goals for the season (see my profile at the bottom of the page) were to band as many birds as possible, which we did (except for the 13 rain days...), and to band a Cape May Warbler. We actually caught 2 Cape Mays, which was awesome! Goals: check!

Hopefully I will have the chance to visit Presque Isle again in the future, and perhaps see some familiar faces (and birds!). Thanks again to the volunteers, and goodbye!