Erie Bird Observatory

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Spring Season 2016 Third Week Highlights

The third week of spring banding this year saw northerly winds bringing in cooler temps creating a decrease in new arrivals and lower capture rates than the two weeks prior. We banded a total of 132 new birds of 33 species. 

Presque Isle Audubon's Festival of the Birds, which is always a fun time had by all, took place over the weekend of May 6-8th. Although we only captured 20 new birds each day, we were fortunate enough that we were still able to have at least one bird to show each group of visitors when they stopped by the banding station. And, boy, what a great group of visitors! Over a 100 people stopped by the banding station between the two days and were treated with up close views of the birds as well as the opportunity to help release some of them. Of course, we don't want to brag or anything, but when esteemed ornithologist, author, and illustrator, David Sibley, stops by your banding station on two consecutive days, one can't help but be quite excited. Yes, yes, he was the keynote speaker for the festival but it was still thrilling to have him stop by, sign some of his books, and release a Palm Warbler.

Banding Demonstration Festival of the Birds 2016

Sibley sharing his knowledge on Palm Warblers. 
Checking a Palm Warbler for moult limits.
Children and adults were thrilled to speak with Sibley.
David Sibley holding an appropriately named Palm Warbler
This visitor was so intrigued by the Catbird's whiskers,that she needed to go in for a closer look
Banding Demonstration Festival of the Birds 2016
Eastern White-Crowned Sparrow

Hooded Warbler (male)

Blue-headed Vireo. First one banded since 2013