Much of EBO’s work relies on the generous support of individual donors like you.


Jasper Holmes

Did you know that almost universally, regardless of language or culture, “bird” is one of the first words that a child learns?

There is power in that connection!

Birds provide us with a universal language— one that we at EBO use each spring and fall to connect hundreds of visitors of all ages and backgrounds with nature, with others, and with themselves.

We can do more.
We WANT to do more.
Help us further our reach by donating today.

Thank you for supporting Erie Bird Observatory’s avian research, education, and outreach efforts today! It is gifts such as yours that make our work possible.


Erie Bird Observatory took flight in 2018 by three women in direct response to the organization that they had been working for pulling up stakes in northwest Pennsylvania. They were determined to see the important work that they had been doing, such as monitoring federally-endangered Piping Plovers and operating the long-term bird banding station on Presque Isle, continue. EBO was founded with the mission to foster enthusiasm for birds and conservation through ornithological research and public engagement.

At Erie Bird Observatory we are committed to the protection of birds and the habitats they need throughout their full annual cycle. When you pledge your support to EBO, you will be helping to support the continuation of current programs such as our migratory bird banding station, which now welcomes over 7000 visitors each spring. Not only that, but your support will put us one step closer towards being able to offer even more opportunities for people to learn how amazing birds are and what they can do to help them.

We recently began offering expert-led birding “adventures” (by foot and by paddle!) within Presque Isle. In March 2021, we hosted our first “Skype a Scientist” event, linking Erie school kids to the environment, themselves, and to each other through the “magic” of their own backyard birds. We can do even more. We WANT to do more.

Help us Further our Reach by Donating Today.

  • Make a one-time Donation via PayPal Giving Fund HERE.

  • Donate via check by mailing it to:
    Erie Bird Observatory
    301 Peninsula Dr. Suite 12
    Erie PA 16505

  • Learn more about Adopting a Mist Net HERE.

  • Make an Honorary Gift HERE.

  • Sustain EBO with a Monthly Gift HERE.

Remember: As a 501c(3) nonprofit, items donated to Erie Bird Observatory are considered charitable donations under applicable law.

As always, We Thank You & the Birds Thank You!

“Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets, but humbler folk may circumvent this restriction if they know how. To plant a pine, for example, one need be neither god nor poet; one need only own a good shovel.”
— Aldo Leopold