2024 Breeding Bird Blitz for Conservation

6/15/24: The EBO Piping Hot Plovers blitzed their way around Erie County and right into the record books!

130 SPECIES / 1 DAY = a new June STATE RECORD!

Check out our team’s full 2024 #Blitz4Birds eBird trip report HERE


PSO Breeding Bird Blitz for Conservation (#Blitz4Birds)

Hosted by the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology (PSO), the #Blitz4Birds is a friendly statewide birding competition created to promote awareness of the breeding bird populations within our state, particularly those in decline, by raising funds to help support the recovery of those species as well as the habitats they require. Teams compete in different categories - from raising the most money to conserving the most carbon - and checklists can be submitted once a day between June 7th and June 17th. 

PSO invites bird-lovers of all ages and skill levels to visit www.breedingbirdblitz.org to learn more about the event, to form and register a team, or to make a donation.

To Pledge Your Support for the EBO Piping Hot Plovers: Click HERE

2023 Breeding Bird Blitz for Conservation

The 3rd Annual Breeding Bird Blitz for Conservation was a Huge Success! For the second year in a row, EBO’s team earned the coveted “PA Peerless” title- this time with an incredible 122 species counted in one day!

Blog Post: HERE
Full eBird Trip Report HERE

In 2022, Erie Bird Observatory was one of the three beneficiaries for the Blitz. This year, funds raised will support Hawk Mountain's efforts to create the Third Bird Atlas for Pennsylvania, The Foundation for Sustainable Forests' invasive species management, and South Middleton Township's Wetland and Grassland Expansion Plan.

2022 Breeding Bird Blitz for Conservation

The 2nd Annual Breeding Bird Blitz for Conservation was a Huge Success!

6/18/22: Crawford County Blitz
Blog Post HERE
Full eBird Trip Report HERE

6/19/22: Erie County Blitz
Blog Post HERE
Full eBird Trip Report HERE

Thanks to your support, PSO's 2nd annual #blitz4birds reached its fundraising goal w/ $15,071! **

EBO’s team, “Pennsylvania is for Plovers,” earned the coveted “PA Peerless” title with a whopping 121 species counted in one day. The real winners are, of course, the birds as all funds raised will go towards supporting important avian research and conservation efforts throughout Pennsylvania.

One of the driving forces behind the blitz is to help document breeding bird populations across the state. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that our team’s observation of a female Black-throated Blue Warbler carrying food to a nest on 6/19/22 has been accepted as the FIRST COUNTY RECORD for this species breeding in Erie County.

**All donations in 2022 went directly towards three projects in Pennsylvania, of which Erie Bird Observatory was one!