By Katie Andersen

The days are rapidly waning now, but there’s still plenty to be found in nature. Here are a few things happening in the natural world this month.  

Fox Sparrow & Dark-eyed Junco by Katie Andersen

  • Flocks of White-throated Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos increase at feeders.

  • Migrating Fox Sparrows may visit feeders.

  • American Tree Sparrows return. They will stay in the area throughout the winter.

Irruptive species, such as Red-breasted Nuthatches and Pine Siskins, may show up at feeders from now through May.

Northern Saw-whet Owl by Katie Andersen.

  • The first migrating owls appear. Check along the B Trail at Presque Isle State Park for wintering owls such as Saw Whet, Long-eared, and Short-eared Owls.

  • Beavers are very active in the evenings while caching a winter supply of food.

  • Common Loons and Tundra Swans begin to appear on Lake Erie, Edinboro Lake, and other large bodies of water in the area.

  • Eastern Monarch Butterflies reach their central Mexican overwintering sites starting in November.

  • Waterfowl migration begins to build. Check Presque Isle Bay for various ducks and geese.

November 2023 Dates Of Note:

Nov 1: Project Feeder Watch starts and runs until April.

Nov. 13: New Moon, Nov. 27: Full Moon.