Kicking off Fall Banding Seaon 2010!!!

Hello bird lovers!!! :o) I am sooooooo excited that we are kicking off our fall banding season for 2010!!! A BIG welcome to Christine- our lead bander for the season. We spent this past week clearing our net lanes and getting our gear and ourselves prepared for the upcoming season. We banded Tues 10th- Fri 13th. We have already had a super exciting opening week!!!! We caught a Cooper's hawk, a ruby-throated hummingbird, and a hybrid yellow and red shafted flicker!

August 10-14 Capture Summary

Tues Aug 10- 1 american redstart, 8 yellow warbler, 1 warbling vireo, 2 eastern pheobe, 1 hermit thrush, 9 gray catbirds, 1 northern cardinal, 1 american robin, 1 northern flicker

Wed Aug 11- 19 yellow warbler, 5 common yellowthroat, 1 cedar waxwing, 4 song sparrow, 6 gray catbird, 3 american robin

Thurs Aug 12- 1 american redstart, 1 warbling vireo, 7 yellow warbler, 14 gray catbird, 1 eastern towhee

Fri Aug 13- 1 trails flycatcher, 4 yellow warbler, 5 common yellowthroat, 1 black and white warbler, 1 house wren, 5 song sparrow, 6 gray catbird, 3 northern cardinal, 1 great crested flycatcher, 1 american robin

Sat Aug 14- Unable to open nets due to 30 mp winds

Hatch year cedar waxwing! Notice that it has the variant orange color tipped tail feathers due to it's fall diet consisting primarily of berries.

****Please note that our fall banding schedule is different from spring!****

FRYS- Mon, Wed, Fri
NIAGARA- Tues, Sat

***NOTE*** We are currently unable to access the banding station at Erie Bluffs State Park due to a tree limb blocking the access road. Until this is rectified, we will band at Niagara Boat Launch on Thursdays. I will notify you via this blog when we can once again access the Bluffs banding site.

We are so excited for the week ahead! Come out and visit us and our birds!