Welcome Back and Hellloooooo Springtime!


I'm sure that ya'll missed our blog posts as much as we missed posting them but I bet I know what we both missed even more than these posts- THE BIRDS!! Well it's that time of year again and we are gearing up towards what we hope will be another exciting season of bird banding here in gorgeous Presque Isle State Park. Last year we caught 71 different species and banded 1,262 new birds so now the question is: will we top that incredible number for this year? Perhaps this is the year when Yellow Warblers will beat out Gray Catbirds for the top spot of number of individually banded birds? Only time will tell but please feel free to place your bets and come join us on our last day of banding where we will tally up the numbers and reward everyone with sugary treats. Of course, though, in order to get to that point we need some warm southerly winds to bring us the birds first!

We will be banding at our two usual locations in the Park again this year, Niagara Boat Launch and Fry's Landing. We hope to knock out most of the maintenance that is required for putting up the nets next week and then we will post a schedule of the days that we will be banding at each site although we will almost definitely be at Fry's on the weekends again. Keep an eye out here and on our new Facebook Page for updates (and be sure to give us a 'like' on Facebook as well!).

We look forward to seeing all of your happy bird loving faces this spring!

Our Bander-in-Charge with a Cerulean Warbler, a bird that is not often
caught at Presque Isle due to it foraging higher up in the canopy.
Any guesses on what unique bird(s) we might catch this year?