Well, the first week of our spring banding season this year was not quite as eventful as the same week last year, where we caught and banded 231 new birds, as we ended the week with 83 newly banded birds.. But, on the other hand, it also was not as slow as the first week in 2015 when we only banded 20 new birds. Below are the totals by species for the week as well as some photo highlights.
First Week Totals:
Golden-crowned Kinglet: 9Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 6
Brown Creeper: 2
Black-capped Chickadee: 4
Carolina Chickadee: 1
Eastern Phoebe: 1
American Goldfinch: 2
House Wren: 1
Western Palm Warbler: 2
Field Sparrow: 1
Myrtle Warbler: 1
American Tree Sparrow: 1
Hermit Thrush: 3
Downy Woodpecker: 1
Song Sparrow: 3
Tufted Titmouse: 1
White-throated Sparrow: 26
Northern Cardinal: 4
Eastern Towhee: 5
Brown-headed Cowbird: 1
Gray Catbird: 1
American Robin: 2
Brown Thrasher: 2
Eastern Whip-poor-will: 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk: 1
Red-winged Blackbird: 1
First warbler banded this season was this male Myrtle Warbler. |
Adult male Sharp-shinned Hawk. |
American Tree Sparrow banded on 4/23/17, which is a few weeks after we thought that this species had left the park. |
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A very handsome Western Palm Warbler |
Recording the measurements of a Brown Thrasher. |