Week 6 Capture Summary:Sept. 13- 19 2010
Mon Sept. 13 @ Fry's: 1 magnolia warbler, 1 house wren, 2 swainson thrush = 4 birds total. Closed nets early due to high winds.
Tues Sept. 14 @ Niagara: 3 magnolia warbler, 1 golden crowned kinglet, 1 yellow bellied flycatcher, 1 black throated blue warbler, 1 house wren, 2 black capped chickadee, 2 red eyed vireo, 1 ovenbird, 2 gray cheeked thrush, 1 cedar waxwing, 7 swainson thrush, 6 gray catbird, 1 wood thrush, 1 rose breasted grosbeak, 1 black capped chickadee, 1 white breasted nuthatch = 32 birds total.
Wed Sept. 15 @ Fry's: 1 wilsons warbler, 1 ruby crowned kinglet, 1 canada warbler, 1 red breasted nuthatch, 1 black capped chickadee, 1 house wren, 1 blackpoll warbler, 1 blue headed vireo, 1 song sparrow, 1 white throated sparrow, 5 swainsons thrush, 13 gray catbird, 1 american robin, 1 common yellowthroat = 30 birds total.
Thurs Sept. 16 @ Bluffs: Closed for rain :o(
Fri Sept. 17 @ Fry's: 1 magnolia warbler, 2 nashville warbler, 4 wilsons warbler, 6 blackpoll warbler, 1 philadelphia vireo, 2 red eyed vireo, 1 downy woodpecker, 3 swainsons thrush, 1 song sparrow, 11 gray catbird, 1 common yellowthroat = 33 birds total.
Sat Sept. 18 @ Niagara: 1 house wren, 4 swainsons thrush, 1 white throated sparrow, 2 white breasted nuthatch, 1 gray cheeked thrush, 1 downy woodpecker, 1 gray catbird, 1 yellow shafted flicker = 12 birds total.
Hello bird brains :o) It's seems fall migration may finally be upon us in full swing! *fingers crossed* We have received quite a few inquiries about how long we will be banding. We will be banding until October 31st. So that gives you plenty of time to pick a day to stop by and visit us and see what flew into our nets!