Week 7: Sept. 20- 26 2010

A gorgeous after hatch year male golden crowned kinglet. So cute and super tiny!

If you have had the pleasure of meeting Michelle, you probably already know that she absolutely ADORES nuthatches. Here she is kissing her favorite bird, a male after hatch year white breasted nuthatch. *sigh* Love at first sight...haha

She's not the only one swooning. Northern flickers wear their hearts on their undertail coverts. Reminds me of carebears.

Male black throated blue warbler. What a beauty!

Blue headed vireo. A first for us in all of 2010! So exciting!

Capture Summary Sept. 20- 26 2010

Mon Sept. 20 @ Fry's: 1 golden crowned kinglet, 1 brown creeper, 1 yellow warbler, 2 common yellowthroat, 1 swamp sparrow, 2 white throated sparrow, 1 song sparrow, 6 swainsons thrush, 19 gray catbird, 2 northern cardinal, 1 american robin, 1 blue jay, 1 black capped chickadee = 39 birds total.

Tues Sept. 21 @ Niagara: Nets closed rain and wind :o(

Wed Sept. 22 @ Fry's: 1 blackpoll warbler, 1 ovenbird, 4 gray catbird, 3 american robin = 9 birds total. Closed nets early due to severe thunderstorms.

Thurs Sept. 23 @ Bluffs: 1 yellow bellied flycatcher, 1 hooded warbler, 1 downy woodpecker, 2 gray catbird, 1 hairy woodpecker, 1 northern cardinal, 5 white throated sparrow, 1 gray cheeked thrush, 5 swainsons thrush = 18 birds total.

Fri Sept. 24 @ Fry's: Closed due to high winds.

Sat Sept. 25 @ Niagara: 1 magnolia warbler, 1 ruby crowned kinglet, 1 black capped chickadee, 1 eastern tufted titmouse, 2 swainsons thrush, 1 gray cheeked thrush, 1 gray catbird, 3 northern cardinal, 2 white throarted sparrow = 13 birds total.

Thank you so much to all of our wonderful helpful volunteers!

See you soon!