Mon Oct. 18 @ Frye's: 1 brown creeper, 1 red crowned kinglet, 1 winter wren, 19 golden crowned kinglet, 64 myrtle warbler, 6 black capped chickadee, 1 orange crowned warbler, 4 white throated sparrow, 1 white crowned sparrow, 7 hermit thrush, 5 song sparrow, 1 northern cardinal = 111 birds total.
Tues Oct. 19 @ Niagara: 8 golden crowned kinglet, 1 brown creeper, 13 hermit thrush, 4 white throated sparrow, 1 downy woodpecker, 1 american robin, 1 ruby crowned kinglet = 29 birds total.
Wed Oct. 20-30: Closed for rain and wind :o(
Sadly, the weather did not cooperate with us for our last two weeks of banding....and right when we started getting slammed with birds!!! That is somewhat disappointing. However, we still managed to band a good number of birds and quite a wide variety! I will post a Fall Season Summary soon.
Tues Oct. 19 @ Niagara: 8 golden crowned kinglet, 1 brown creeper, 13 hermit thrush, 4 white throated sparrow, 1 downy woodpecker, 1 american robin, 1 ruby crowned kinglet = 29 birds total.
Wed Oct. 20-30: Closed for rain and wind :o(
Sadly, the weather did not cooperate with us for our last two weeks of banding....and right when we started getting slammed with birds!!! That is somewhat disappointing. However, we still managed to band a good number of birds and quite a wide variety! I will post a Fall Season Summary soon.