It's that time again!!!!

Spring is here, (cold, snowy, rainy, temperamental spring) and soon our bird banding on Presque Isle State Park will resume! Our operation is growing, and we are looking forward to a fun new season with TWO SCA interns, Lauren Smith and Amy Gondran, who are arriving in the coming days. We also are looking forward to seeing our amazing volunteers as our season gets underway!

We begin banding Monday, April 18th at Erie Bluffs State Park and we have posted our banding schedule on the blog (look on the right!). In addition to banding, we will be tackling a variety of exciting projects that we may talk about over the next few months. We will be monitoring for piping plover's and other shorebirds at Presque Isle, and if anyone is interested in volunteering (picture long walks on the beach!), training is this Saturday at 10am. You can contact me (Anne) or Sarah Sargent for more info! We will also be conducting vegetation surveys, removal and restoration in an effort to see how invasive plant species affect the birds on Presque Isle. Finally, we will be breaking out the kayaks (fun!!) to conduct marsh bird surveys throughout the park and get an idea of just what species we have! This will keep us busy until August, when fall banding begins! Whew....

Well those are the details, but soon we will be talking about the fun stuff! Take care and happy birding!